Secure access to your applications and APIs

OpenID Certified® OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect access control and API security for cloud native applications.


All of our code is open source, fueled by an engaged community of contributors. It is licensed under Apache 2.0 and is available for free on GitHub. Our core projects are ORY Hydra, ORY Oathkeeper andORY Keto.

You can also become a sponsor or supporter of our open source efforts via Open Collective or Patreon.

Developers across different industries and companies use ORY to provide secure access to their applications and endpoints.

ThoughtWorksTulip RetailSegmentAll My FundsRaspberry PiArduinoHootsuite3REINKyma Project

Adoption rate

All of our security-relevant code is open source, and our flows and concepts are rooted in open standards and industry best practices.

Requests secured
August 2019
Docker pulls
GitHub stars